Hey, I’m Stephen Rhoades,

Vermont Renaissance man, Stephen has worked in Cannabis-adjacent industries for over 14 years. Having received the Professional Accreditation in Cannabis Plant Biology from the University of Vermont, his approach to cultivation has deep roots in the science of organic growing. Stephen has a passion for cannabis and strives to produce a quality, tasty, and exceptional product.

Stephen Rhoades, CEO

Hey, I’m Jordan Zhang,

Introducing Jordan, a passionate cultivator intricately weaving a narrative of symbiosis with cannabis through the harmonious dance of microbes. As a perpetual student of the natural world, Jordan delves into the synergies between fungi and bacteria, fostering relationships that elevate the full potential of cannabis plants. In his mindful cultivation practices, the collaboration of these microorganisms stands as a testament to the delicate balance he strives to maintain. Beyond cultivation, Jordan envisions crafting the most enjoyable smoking experience, where the diverse and pungent terpenes and cannabinoids converge, offering cannabis enthusiasts a truly elevated and holistic sensory journey.

Jordan Zhang, Head Grower